ID/DD Waiver/IDD (1915i)

What Is The IDD Community Support Program (1915i)?

The IDD Community Support Program (1915i) offers support and services for people with IDD and autism spectrum disorders...

Day Services Adult

This service assists individuals in gaining the greatest level of independence while supporting them...

Pre-Vocational Services

This service teaches pre-employment skills and assists in exploring job opportunities in the community.

Supported Employment

Supported employment provides a job coach to assist in finding a job and training a person to work independently.

Supported Living

Supported living provides limited support of up to four hours per day for persons who can live independently...

What Is The Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities Waiver (ID/DD Waiver)?

Mississippi’s ID/DD Waiver provides individualized supports and services to assist people in living successfully at home...

Services Available Through The ID/DD Waiver Include:

Support Coordination

Support Coordination services coordinate and monitor all services an individual on the ID/DD Waiver receives...

Home And Community Supports

This service is generally provided a few hours per day to assist an eligible individual with activities...


The primary purpose of this service is to provide the primary caregiver(s) periodic breaks from the constant demands...

Day Services-Adult (DSA)

These services are designed to assist and support individuals in retaining and/or improving skills...

Prevocational Services

These services are designed to promote vocational skill development with the eventual outcome being employment...

Supervised Residential Habilitation

Supervised community living means there is a staff person on site, 24 hours per day, seven days per week...

Supported Employment

This service supports people in finding and keeping a job in the community...

Behavior Support/Intervention

This service is designed for individuals who exhibit behavior problems that cause them to not benefit from other services...

Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, And Speech/Language Therapy

These services differ from the therapies provided through the regular Medicaid State Plan in that the purpose is maintenance...